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sqiffy (or just squiffy 🍹) - Experimental compound SQL framework with type-safe DSL API generated at compile-time from scheme diff. It is dedicated for applications, plugins & libraries responsible for internal database management.

Supported databases

PostgreSQL, Embedded PostgreSQLFull supportMain target of the library.
MariaDB, MySQLSupportedAll operations should be supported, but some of the features might not be available.
SQLiteWork in progressSQLite does not provide several crucial schema update queries & type system is flexible. Because of that, schema updates are based on top of the modifications applied to sqlite_master, but the stability of this solution is unknown. See #2 for more details.
H2 (MySQL mode)UnstableSuch as SQLite, H2 implements SQL standard on their own & some of the compatibility features are just a fake mocks. In most cases, it's just better to use other databases (or their embedded variants).