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Migrations are a way to manage changes to the database schema over time. Currently, Sqiffy supports two ways of managing schema changes:

  1. Sqiffy migrations - apply schema changes to the database automatically, without the need to write SQL scripts
  2. Liquibase - Sqiffy can also generate Liquibase files

It's fully optional, so if you don't want to manage schema changes in Sqiffy, you can use it only for generating type-safe Kotlin DSL API. Each migration requires a changelog, which is a list of changes between each version of the schema. To generate a changelog, you can use the generateChangeLog method from the SqiffyDatabase instance:

val changeLog = database.generateChangeLog(
  tables = listOf(
    // other table definitions

To run a migration, you need to create a migrator and apply it to the database:


See the following sections for more details about each migrator.

Sqiffy migrator

Sqiffy migrator is a simple built-in tool that allows you to run a set of required changes to the database. You can also adjust table name used to store data about past migrations and run callbacks before and after each version is applied:

val migrator = SqiffyMigrator(
  changeLog = changeLog // required
  metadataTable = SqiffyMetadataTable(name = "sqiffy_metadata") // optional
  versionCallbacks = VersionCallbacks() // optional
      .before(V_1_0_0) { /* do something before applying 1.0.0 changes */ }
      .after(V_1_0_0) { /* do something after applying 1.0.0 changes */ }
      .before(V_1_0_1) { /* do something before applying 1.0.1 changes */ }
      .after(V_1_0_1) { /* do something after applying 1.0.1 changes */ }

Liquibase migrator

Liquibase is a popular tool for managing database schema changes. To enable Liquibase support in Sqiffy, you need to define changelog provider in @ChangelogDefinition annotation. Usually, it's a good idea to put it above the object with versions of your schema:

    projectName = "Project",
    dialect = POSTGRESQL,
    provider = LIQUIBASE
object ProjectVersion {
    const val V_1_0_0 = "1.0.0"
    const val V_1_0_1 = "1.0.1"
    const val V_1_0_2 = "1.0.2"

Because we're generating *.sql files for Liquibase, you also need to define your target SQL dialect. Changelog files are generated with DSL, during the compilation process, so let's run KSP task to generate them:

$ gradle kspKotlin

To run generated Liquibase files, you can use the LiquibaseMigrator:

val migrator = LiquibaseMigrator(
  changelogFile = "/liquibase/changelog-master.xml" // optional

The LiquibaseMigrator implementation uses the liquibase library under the hood. If you'd like to run generated Liquibase files on your own, you can find them in the build/resources/main/liquibase directory.