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Interacting with DSL

To compile the schema definition into a type-safe Kotlin DSL API, you need to run KSP (Kotlin Symbol Processing) task. It's automatically added to your build process, but building whole project can be time-consuming, so you can run it separately:

$ gradle kspKotlin

After running the task, you can start using the generated DSL API in your project. By default, the generated API is placed in the build/generated/ksp directory. For a definition we've created in the previous section, the generated API will contain:

  • User - a data class representing the record in users table
  • UnidentifiedUser - a data class without autogenerated keys (like e.g. serial id)
  • UserTable - a class representing the users table for built-in DSL
  • UserTableNames - object with table & column names
  • SQL changelog for migrations between each version

Let's try to insert a new user into the database. We need to create database instance:

val database = Sqiffy.createDatabase(
    dataSource = createHikariDataSource(
        driver = "org.postgresql.Driver",
        url = jdbcUrl,
        username = username,
        password = password
    logger = Slf4JSqiffyLogger(LoggerFactory.getLogger(

To initialize schema in the database, we can use migrator. See migrations guide for more details, for now let's use the default one:

val changelog = database.generateChangeLog(tables = listOf(UserDefinition::class))
val sqiffyMigrator = SqiffyMigrator(changeLog = changelog)

And with the following code we can insert a new user:

val newUser = UnidentifiedUser(
    name = "Panda"

val insertedUser = database
    .map { userToInsert.withId(id = it[]) }

That's it! You've just inserted a new user into the database using Sqiffy DSL API. Let's try to query the user from the database:

val userFromDatabase =
    .where { eq "Panda" }
    .map { it.toUser() }

To learn more about the DSL API and all its features, see the DSL API docs.